Latest News
EAC | East Academic Complex |
LIB | Leo F. Cain Library |
FH | Field House |
GYM | Gymnasium |
HC | Hughes Education and Athletic Center |
LCH | LaCorte Hall |
LUSU | Loker University Student Union |
NSM | Natural Sciences and Mathematics |
SAC | South Academic Complex, Buildings 1, 2, 3 |
SBS | Social and Behavioral Sciences |
SCC | Small College Complex |
SH | Student Housing |
SHC | Student Health Center |
COE | School of Education (formerly College of Education) |
TBA | To Be Announced |
UT | University Theatre |
WH | Welch Hall |
Mo | Monday |
MoWe | Monday/Wednesday |
MoWeFr | Monday/Wednesday/Friday |
Tu | Tuesday |
TBA | To Be Announced |
TuTh | Tuesday/Thursday |
We | Wednesday |
Th | Thursday |
Fr | Friday |
Sa | Saturday |
Su | Sunday |
SaSu | Saturday/Sunday |
If a class has a footnote(s) placed on it, they are found on the section details as Course Attributes on MyCSUDH. View footnote definitions ►
An online class is a class that is offered via computer. They can be identified by their section number, which begins with a 4 and by their location, which is Internet.
Consult the course description in the current University Catalog for course prerequisite(s). If a class requires a prerequisite it will also be noted on the section details as a Course Attribute on MyCSUDH.
Co-requisite courses require enrollment in both the lecture section and associated activity, lab, production, clinical, or supervision component/production of the course or, in some cases, enrollment in another course. The system prompts you enrollment in the co-req class when one is required. If a specific co-req is listed in the section details as Class Notes on MyCSUDH, the student must enroll in that specific co-req section. Refer to the course description in the current University Catalog for co-requisite(s).
A Hybrid class integrates online with traditional face to face activities in a planned, pedagogically viable manner. A minimum of one third and a maximum of two thirds of the class is taught online. There are three types of hybrid class combinations: face to face with online, face-to-face with off-campus, and face-to-face with televised. Hybrid classes can be identified by their section number, which begins with a 3 and by the footnote 28.