When you accept your offer, you agree to fulfill your obligations as a financial aid recipient. It is your responsibility to be aware of your obligations and rights. It is your responsibility to report additional resources (such as other financial assistance). If the receipt of additional funds results in an “over-award” (financial aid and resources exceed the cost of attendance), assistance for subsequent terms in the academic year will be reduced or canceled; any excess will be considered as a resource for the following academic year, and subsequent financial aid eligibility will be reduced by that amount.
- You may be required to repay all or a portion of any financial aid funds already received.
- You are responsible for supplying complete and accurate information on which we base your eligibility for aid.
- You are responsible for submitting complete and accurate documentation. If you purposely give false or misleading information, you will be fined or be sentenced to jail or both. You will also be reported for student conduct.
- You must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) toward the completion of your degree or certificate.
- You must be enrolled in a program that leads to a degree, certificate leading to gainful employment or other program leading to a recognized educational credential.
- You must not be in default or owe a refund on any Title IV funds received for attendance at any institution.
- You must not have borrowed in excess of any Title IV loan limits.
- If you withdraw or take a leave of absence from school, you must notify the Financial Aid Office. You may be expected to repay a portion of the financial aid disbursed to you after paying tuition fees. (See “Refunds and Repayment.”)
- You are responsible for reporting any change in your status.
- When you have signed your electronic Master Promissory Note and/or complete your Annual Student Loan Acknowledgment, you are responsible for repaying the loan. You are responsible for informing your Direct Loan Servicer or your lender of changes in your name, address, Social Security Number and/or graduation date. You must inform your loan servicer if you transfer to another school, withdraw from school or drop below half-time enrollment in any term.
- You are responsible for using the aid offered for educationally related expenses as defined in your budget.
- If you are borrowing a William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan for the first time at CSUDH, you are required to complete a Loan Entrance Counseling session and sign an electronic Master Promissory Note or complete the Annual Student Loan Acknowledgment process before the Financial Aid Office will disburse your loan.
- If you accept a Federal Work-Study position, you are expected to perform the work in a satisfactory manner.