It's important to understand how ready you are for college. Although they may have passed all your high school courses, many students are still not yet prepared for freshman-level college English and math when they enter a university. This is true even for students with strong high school grade point averages.
To make sure that you are ready for your freshman year of college, it's a good idea to take the EAP in your junior year of high school.
To help high school students get ready for university coursework and life, the State Board of Education (SBE), the California Department of Education (CDE), and the California State University (CSU) joined to develop the Early Assessment Program (EAP). Through this program, California public high school juniors and seniors have the opportunity to:
If you're an 11th grader in a California public high school, now is the time to take advantage of the Early Assessment Program by taking the CAASPP. You'll find out what areas you need to work on during your senior year to get ready for CSUDH's college-level English and mathematic classes. You'll have your whole senior year to build those skills before you start at the university!
EAP participation can also mean taking fewer tests with:
Participation in EAP is free and easy. To get started, you'll be asked to take the CAASPP test, administered to 11th graders during the spring semester at California high schools. When taking the CAASPP, make sure you select the option to release your scores to the CSU. Releasing your scores will save you from having to contact each CSU you apply to and submitting CAASPP results to their offices of Admissions & Recruitment.
To learn how you can prepare for the EAP, visit the CSU SUCCESS website. There, you'll find online tutorials, free practice problems, essay prompts, and more to help you get ready for the EAP test and meet CSU English and mathematics requirements.
In spring of your junior year, you participated in the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) in English Language Arts/Literacy and mathematics. Your school may provide you with your CAASPP and EAP results within 2-4 weeks, after all schools in the district have completed testing. This report indicates how you performed on the grade eleven CAASPP.
The earlier you know your EAP status during your senior year of high school, the sooner you can start preparing and building the skills you'll need for CSU English and mathematics courses. It's a good idea to find out about your CAASPP EAP status as soon as you can.
The CAASPP overall score can be used to provide an early indicator of your readiness for college-level coursework.
CAASPP EAP Result | Result Description | What it means |
Standard Exceeded Level 4
| Ready for English and/or Math college-level coursework | You are ready to enroll in for-credit courses at the CSU. You must apply to CSUDH and meet admissions requirements.
Standard Met Level 3
| Conditionally Ready for English and/or Math college-level coursework | “Conditionally Ready” means you must complete one of the approved senior year-long English and/or Math courses during the 12thgrade with a grade “C” or better. CSUDH will assume you are completing an approved course. Students who are not must adhere to the CSU Placement Test deadline. The approved 12th grade ENGLISH courses are:
Approved 12th grade MATH courses are those with a prerequisite of Algebra II or Integrated Math III, including:
Standard Nearly Met/Not Met Level 2/Level 1 | Not demonstrating readiness for English and/or college-level coursework | You are not ready to take English college level courses upon admission to the CSU. You must take the CSU Placement Test by the deadline. |
CSUDH's Early Assessment Program (EAP) provides college readiness preparation information to local public high schools. Our campus' service area is established by the California State University (Coded Memorandum AA 2010-20). Click on the image above for a full-size Google Maps page showing CSUDH's service area.
CSUDH shares your commitment to supporting your students' success and encouraging more high school students to attend university.
By August, students and high schools will receive the CAASPP EAP results. The results will indicate a student’s readiness for college-level English/language arts and mathematics. Students are eligible to enroll in college-level courses at the CSU or a participating California Community College.
Student CAASPP EAP results will be shared with the CSU only for those students who gave permission to release the results to the CSU during the exam. Students who did not release their results must contact each CSU to give permission for their CAASPP EAP results to be retrieved.
As a high school counselor, we encourage you to tell your 11th graders about Early Assessment Program (EAP) and the benefits of taking the EAP test.
Tell your students that taking the EAP will allow them to:
To learn more about EAP, contact us today at (310) 243-2839, or via email at
Early Assessment Program
CSU Dominguez Hills
Welch Hall (WH), Room 240
1000 East Victoria Street
Carson, CA 90747
Harmony Perry
EAP & Recruitment Initiative Coordinator, Admissions & Recruitment
Email: Phone: (310) 243-2839